10 Tips For Keeping Your Pool In Tip-Top Shape This Summer

10. If you don’t maintain your pool properly, you could cut the lifespan in half.

Or, if you don’t maintain it at all, you could be cutting it down to a quarter.


9. A pool pump could consume up to half of a home’s entire energy output.

With new pool system technology currently overlapping the older, less energy efficient ones, this is no longer the problem. There are still pumps out there that eat up your electrical bill, but with some research you can find the right one to fit your budget.


8. You may be paying for weekly service but the technician is coming every other week, or even every three weeks.

Beware of the scammers and the “Pool Cleaner” ads you see postered all over street signs and in the classified sections of newspapers. Pool servicing and cleaning isn’t a job to be taken lightly and if done improperly could damage your liner, your pump, or even the pool itself.


7. Saltwater pools don’t take care of themselves.

Just because it seems natural like the ocean — it’s not. You still have to add acid to keep the pH balanced. And, while you may think that since salt is natural and it’s environmentally friendly — it’s not. The salt ends up breaking down into various components including hyrdrochloric acid or chlorine gas. Regular pools don’t have that much chlorine. So, if you drain it into your yard, that’s OK. With saltwater pools, you have to get a truck to suck the water out. Dumping it in your yard is severely damaging to the environment and to your yard. It can also cause rust on stainless steel parts or cause corrosion on others that can cause you thousands of dollars to replace.


6. If you don’t take care of your pool for a few weeks, it will turn green.

In fact, if there are heavy rains, it can turn your pool green in as little as 48 hours. And that green is more than just algae — it can contain E. coli and other bacteria.


5. A sunny pool is great for swimmers — not so much for the pool.

Chlorine, which keeps your pool from turning green, starts to dissolve in direct sunlight. You could put liquid chlorine in a sunny pool on Monday and by Wednesday it will have almost no chlorine in it. Algae also starts to breed in hotter temperatures than in milder ones. That is why slow-dissolving chlorine tablets are a good option or adding cyanuric acid, which helps diffuse the sun’s UV rays and makes the chlorine last longer.


4. Most “eco” and “green” products don’t work as well as chlorine

In fact, may leave the water murky or turn the pool green faster.


3. Make A Skimming and Scrubbing A Part Of Life

Skimming the leaves and debris off of the surface of the water is a no-brainer, but it needs to be repeated. For a truly pristine pool, skimming  should be done daily to avoid debris buildup and algae growth.


2.  You Need To Keep An Eye On The Water Level

As important as the chemical composition of the water is, the physical water level is just as important. The levels will naturally fluctuate after a heavy rainstorm or an afternoon of kids doing cannonballs. You want to maintain a level that is halfway up the opening of your skimmer. If the water is too low, simply use a garden hose to add the necessary amount of water back in.


1.  Keep The Pool Deck As Clean As Possible

The area that surrounds your pool is just as important as the physical structure itself. You can help keep your pool deck shining by power washing it from time to time. This helps clear the debris and chemicals from the surrounding area.



Guide To Achieving Perfectly Clean And Clear Pool Water

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