If you are looking to purchase a new home with a pool, we would recommend hiring a Pool Professional to fully inspect the swimming pool and equipment , just as you would hire a home inspector when you purchase a new home. Having a pool inspection done will either tell you if the pool is in…
Read More10. If you don’t maintain your pool properly, you could cut the lifespan in half. Or, if you don’t maintain it at all, you could be cutting it down to a quarter. 9. A pool pump could consume up to half of a home’s entire energy output. With new pool system technology currently overlapping…
Read MoreCustomize your Bremner Pool & Spa Service package today. Summer is right around the corner and pools are starting to be opened up all throughout the neighbourhood. Once temperatures consistently reach above 20°C, your pool is ready to be used for the season. But with the warm temperature a new problem arises: Algae Bremner Pool…
Read MorePool opening time is often when customers get the first hints that there may be a leak in their swimming pool or liner. Over the winter here in Scarborough and the Toronto area, the ground freezes and thaws, shifting concrete pools and also the land around your pool. Naturally, if we notice anything requiring repairs…
Read MoreAnytime is a good time to get suspected leaks in your swimming pool repaired and looked after but it becomes particularly important as the season reaches the end. Colder weather and freezing will wreak havoc on existing swimming pool leaks and set the stage for multiple problems at opening time next year – just when…
Read MoreMany homeowners automatically associate the idea of major swimming pool renovations with early spring, but mid- to late summer can actually offer certain advantages. These include • Most years, better weather for construction than early spring. • Good timing – design your fall planting and landscaping around the any modifications. And now, Bremner Pools can…
Read MoreWhether you’re just contemplating installing a residential swimming pool or whether you’re a seasoned pool owner, some safety measures are pretty self-evident, such as: • Never leave children unattended near a pool, whether they can swim or not. • By-laws in the GTA (along with common sense) dictate that you must erect a four-sided enclosure…
Read MoreIt’s hard to give up that lazy summer vibe but Mother Nature has other plans for us in the months ahead. Preparing and closing your pool properly for the winter is an important component of swimming pool maintenance and ensures not only a quicker opening next spring but the continued use of your pool for…
Read MoreWhen August comes around, you might be thinking of pool season in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) as more than half over and you might be tempted to put any thoughts and plans for your swimming pool on the backburner. That would be a mistake. There’s still plenty of time left for pool renovations or…
Read MoreWhen we’re not having violent storms and torrential rainfall, it’s finally been possible to enjoy some great summer weather – and our swimming pools – in the GTA lately. If you’ve got a swimming pool, you’ve no doubt been subjected to a host of hints and maybe not-so-subtle suggestions from people who’d love to help…
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